Monday, May 12, 2014

One degree...

Bright and early, we all awoke this morning...some of us having not slept a wink at all!  We started this trip as 17 individuals, each with a personal calling and motivation to be in Haiti.  We ended the evening feeling like family.  What could possibly happen in just one day?

GOD can happen to a group of people.  He has brought us together to work for His glory as one unit. And this unit already feels like a family.

Many of us, not just the leaders, took the initiative to make sure every team member was accounted for every step of the way during our day of travel.  Without realizing it, we were looking out for each other.  Each one of us has brought with us human frailties, struggles, and challenges to this trip. What is amazing to us as leaders is how early we see the team rallying around each other and helping one another through these difficulties.

Even with these personal challenges that many of us are dealing with, we believe that God is calling us to go that extra step for His glory.  The difference between 211 degrees and 212 degrees Fahrenheit is more than just one simple degree.  That one small degree is the difference between hot water and boiling water that produces steam strong enough to power a locomotive.  We feel God is challenging us as a team to go that one extra degree.

We are so excited and filled with anticipation to see how His power will be evident in that one degree!

Lois & Kara

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