God's heart is faithful and in His sovereign love He always provides just what is needed. His provision shows up in many ways through the hearts and lives of His people, who are called to love, to live and to give as Jesus loved us!
We were blessed to start our day with a return visit to LaPherre's orphanage where we delivered sandwiches and water along with other nourishing snacks for God's precious children. We were greeted with smiles, hugs, and hearts of gratitude.
Onward to Grace Village, an amazing community of God's ministry through Healing Haiti which provides for the physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of 45 beautiful children. Our God of abundance has provided the resources for Grace to bless the children with housing, education, food, and a beautiful church helping to nourish them spiritually. We were privileged to provide dress clothes that some of you donated for the current Grace kids which were received with much thanks and gratitude. In addition, our faithful God brought to Grace a farmer, skilled in Aquaponics, who lost his business from the earthquake and used his expertise to create an Aquaponics program at Grace. They are able to raise 48,000 Tilapia per year to feed the children and adults. The waste water from the fish is used as nutrients to nourish the plants that grow food for Grace Village.
Recently a clinic has opened which provides both free medical and dental care for Grace and also for the people of the neighboring community. God has provided mightly and with His sovereign provision, new opportunities continue to build life and eternal benefits.
We then took 16 of the Grace children and adults to the beach for an afternoon of fun and laughter where there simply were no language barriers when the love of Jesus, smiles and hugs were concerned.
Throughout the week, all the blessing of provisions we've been able to give came from so many of you reading this blog. The clothing, personal care items, soccer balls, diapers, formula, love and hope were available as a result of your generous hearts partnering with God and with us to provide physical, spiritual and emotional nourishment. We likened it to a patchwork quilt with beautiful pieces contributed from so many to create exactly the blessings God had in mind for each precious child and person we encountered this week.
Glwa pou bondye pou tou jou! Glory to God forever!
Jim & Karen Anderson
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